Woodlin Elementary Bethesda, MD

U.S. Schools » Maryland » Montgomery County » Bethesda » Woodlin Elementary Bethesda, MD

About Woodlin Elementary

At Woodlin Elementary, we understand the importance of transparency and accessibility. That is why we provide a comprehensive school directory, offering essential data to help parents, students, and educators make informed decisions. Let's explore the key information available in our school directory.

Woodlin Elementary Contact Information

Woodlin Elementary is located at 5701 Grosvenor Ln, Bethesda, Maryland, providing a conducive environment for learning and growth.
Woodlin Elementary Information:
  • School ID: 240048000961
  • School District: Montgomery County Public Schools
  • School County: Montgomery County
  • Address: 5701 Grosvenor Ln
  • City: Bethesda
  • State: Maryland
  • State Abbreviation: MD
  • ZIP Code:20814
  • Phone Number: (240) 740-7350
  • Number of Students: 560

Woodlin Elementary Teacher/Student Ratio

Number of Students: With a diverse student body of 560, Woodlin Elementary fosters an inclusive community where every individual's unique talents and strengths are celebrated.
Number of Teachers: Education is the cornerstone of Woodlin Elementary, and our team of passionate educators plays a pivotal role in shaping the future. With 40.3 dedicated professionals, we ensure personalized attention and guidance for each student.
Whether you are a parent researching schools for your child, a student seeking a nurturing learning environment, or an educator considering career opportunities, our school directory serves as your go-to resource. At Woodlin Elementary, we believe that transparency builds trust and fosters strong partnerships within our community.
  • Total number of students: 560
  • Number of teachers: 40.3
  • Students per teacher ration: 13.9

Woodlin Elementary Student Gender

Number of Students %
Male 297 53.04%
Female 261 46.61%

Woodlin Elementary Race/Etnicity

Total number of students: 558

Number of Students %
American Indian/Alaska Native Students 1 0.18%
Asian or Asian Pacific Islander Students 52 9.29%
Hispanic Students 125 22.32%
Black or African American Students 147 26.25%
White Students 189 33.75%
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders Students 0 0%
Two or More Races Students 44 7.86%

Woodlin Elementary Activities and Programs

  1. Extracurricular Activities: From sports teams to academic clubs, Woodlin Elementary offers a wide range of extracurricular opportunities to enrich students' learning experiences.
  2. Academic Programs: Explore our curriculum offerings, including Advanced Placement (AP) courses, honors programs, and specialized tracks catering to diverse interests and career aspirations.
  3. Support Services: Learn about the support services available to students, including counseling, special education programs, and enrichment initiatives designed to meet individual needs.
  4. Community Engagement: Discover how Woodlin Elementary actively engages with parents, local organizations, and the broader community through events, volunteer opportunities, and partnerships aimed at enhancing the educational experience.

As you navigate through our school directory, we invite you to explore everything that Woodlin Elementary has to offer. We are committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Woodlin Elementary Important Information

  • Direct Certification: 158
  • County number: 24031
  • Andi FIPS Code: 24
  • Agency ID: 2400480
  • Lowest grade offered: Prekindergarten
  • Highest grade offered: 5th Grade
  • School level: Elementary

Woodlin Elementary Lunch Information

  • Number of students eligible for free lunch: 207
  • Number of students eligible for reduced lunch: 20
  • Total number of students that get free or reduced lunch: 227

Woodlin Elementary Rating

Woodlin Elementary is rated 4.63 out of 5 based on different parameters such as grades, college graduates and more.
School Reviews
Number of Reviews:373

Maryland Public Schools & Education System

Maryland Public School and Education System

Maryland, the Old Line State, stands as a beacon of educational excellence in the United States. With a commitment to innovation, diversity, and equity, Maryland's public school system has garnered national recognition for its rigorous academic standards, comprehensive support services, and inclusive approach to education. In this article, we delve into the foundations, successes, challenges, and ongoing initiatives within Maryland's education system.

Foundations of Excellence

Maryland's commitment to education is deeply ingrained in its history. The state's constitution mandates a free and thorough public education for all children, laying the groundwork for a robust system that prioritizes accessibility and quality. Over the years, Maryland has consistently invested in its schools, allocating resources to support infrastructure, teacher training, and student enrichment programs.

Academic Excellence

Maryland's public schools consistently rank among the top in the nation for academic achievement. The state has adopted rigorous academic standards aligned with college and career readiness, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the challenges of higher education and the workforce. Additionally, Maryland's assessment and accountability system provides valuable data to monitor student progress and identify areas for improvement.

Inclusivity and Diversity

One of the hallmarks of Maryland's education system is its commitment to inclusivity and diversity. With a diverse student population representing various ethnicities, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds, Maryland schools strive to create inclusive learning environments where every student feels valued and supported. The state's curriculum reflects this diversity, incorporating multicultural perspectives and promoting cultural competency among students and educators alike.

Equity and Access

Maryland is dedicated to closing the achievement gap and ensuring that all students have access to high-quality education opportunities. Through targeted interventions, such as early childhood education programs, literacy initiatives, and support services for at-risk students, the state works to level the playing field and provide equitable access to education resources. Additionally, Maryland's funding formula prioritizes equity, directing additional resources to schools with higher concentrations of poverty to address the unique needs of their students.

Challenges and Ongoing Initiatives

While Maryland's education system has achieved notable success, it faces several challenges and ongoing initiatives aimed at continuous improvement. Funding remains a perennial issue, with advocates calling for increased investment to support smaller class sizes, teacher salaries, and infrastructure upgrades. Additionally, addressing disparities in student outcomes across demographic groups requires sustained efforts to dismantle systemic barriers and implement targeted interventions.

Innovation and Future Directions

Looking ahead, Maryland is poised to continue its tradition of educational excellence through innovation and collaboration. Initiatives such as the Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards and the Excellence Through Equity Framework will guide efforts to raise academic achievement and promote equity across the state. Moreover, partnerships between schools, businesses, and community organizations will facilitate the development of innovative programs and initiatives to meet the evolving needs of Maryland's students.

Conclusion: Maryland's public school system stands as a shining example of educational excellence, driven by a commitment to innovation, diversity, and equity. With rigorous academic standards, inclusive learning environments, and targeted support services, Maryland schools are preparing students for success in college, careers, and beyond. By addressing challenges, fostering collaboration, and embracing innovation, Maryland is poised to lead the way in shaping the future of education.

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