Youngsville Middle School Youngsville, LA

U.S. Schools » Louisiana » Lafayette Parish » Youngsville » Youngsville Middle School Youngsville, LA

About Youngsville Middle School

At Youngsville Middle School, we understand the importance of transparency and accessibility. That is why we provide a comprehensive school directory, offering essential data to help parents, students, and educators make informed decisions. Let's explore the key information available in our school directory.

Youngsville Middle School Contact Information

Youngsville Middle School is located at P.O. Box 1049, Youngsville, Louisiana, providing a conducive environment for learning and growth.
Youngsville Middle School Information:
  • School ID: 220087000695
  • School District: Lafayette Parish
  • School County: Lafayette Parish
  • Address: P.O. Box 1049
  • City: Youngsville
  • State: Louisiana
  • State Abbreviation: LA
  • ZIP Code:70592
  • Phone Number: (337) 521-7940
  • Number of Students: 646

Youngsville Middle School Teacher/Student Ratio

Number of Students: With a diverse student body of 646, Youngsville Middle School fosters an inclusive community where every individual's unique talents and strengths are celebrated.
Number of Teachers: Education is the cornerstone of Youngsville Middle School, and our team of passionate educators plays a pivotal role in shaping the future. With 32.94 dedicated professionals, we ensure personalized attention and guidance for each student.
Whether you are a parent researching schools for your child, a student seeking a nurturing learning environment, or an educator considering career opportunities, our school directory serves as your go-to resource. At Youngsville Middle School, we believe that transparency builds trust and fosters strong partnerships within our community.
  • Total number of students: 646
  • Number of teachers: 32.94
  • Students per teacher ration: 19.61

Youngsville Middle School Student Gender

Number of Students %
Male 348 53.87%
Female 298 46.13%

Youngsville Middle School Race/Etnicity

Total number of students: 646

Number of Students %
American Indian/Alaska Native Students 3 0.46%
Asian or Asian Pacific Islander Students 23 3.56%
Hispanic Students 29 4.49%
Black or African American Students 133 20.59%
White Students 428 66.25%
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders Students 1 0.15%
Two or More Races Students 29 4.49%

Youngsville Middle School Activities and Programs

  1. Extracurricular Activities: From sports teams to academic clubs, Youngsville Middle School offers a wide range of extracurricular opportunities to enrich students' learning experiences.
  2. Academic Programs: Explore our curriculum offerings, including Advanced Placement (AP) courses, honors programs, and specialized tracks catering to diverse interests and career aspirations.
  3. Support Services: Learn about the support services available to students, including counseling, special education programs, and enrichment initiatives designed to meet individual needs.
  4. Community Engagement: Discover how Youngsville Middle School actively engages with parents, local organizations, and the broader community through events, volunteer opportunities, and partnerships aimed at enhancing the educational experience.

As you navigate through our school directory, we invite you to explore everything that Youngsville Middle School has to offer. We are committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Youngsville Middle School Important Information

  • Direct Certification: Data are missing.
  • County number: 22055
  • Andi FIPS Code: 22
  • Agency ID: 2200870
  • Lowest grade offered: 6th Grade
  • Highest grade offered: 8th Grade
  • School level: Middle

Youngsville Middle School Lunch Information

  • Number of students eligible for free lunch: 267
  • Number of students eligible for reduced lunch: 49
  • Total number of students that get free or reduced lunch: 316

Youngsville Middle School Rating

Youngsville Middle School is rated 4.08 out of 5 based on different parameters such as grades, college graduates and more.
School Reviews
Number of Reviews:431

Louisiana Public Schools & Education System

Louisiana Public School System

The Louisiana public school system holds a significant place in the state's cultural and social fabric. From its diverse student population to its unique challenges and initiatives, understanding the landscape of education in Louisiana sheds light on broader issues facing public education in the United States. This article aims to explore the intricacies of the Louisiana public school system, highlighting its strengths, challenges, and ongoing efforts for improvement.

Diversity and Demographics

Louisiana's public school system serves a diverse student population, reflecting the state's rich cultural heritage and socioeconomic diversity. With approximately 700,000 students enrolled in public schools across the state, Louisiana's classrooms are a melting pot of cultures, languages, and backgrounds. From urban centers like New Orleans and Baton Rouge to rural communities in the bayous, Louisiana's public schools cater to a wide array of students.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite its cultural richness, Louisiana's public education system faces several challenges. Historically, the state has grappled with issues such as low academic performance, high poverty rates, and disparities in funding between urban and rural schools. Additionally, Louisiana has often ranked near the bottom in national education assessments, highlighting the need for systemic improvements.

One of the primary challenges facing Louisiana's public schools is ensuring equitable access to quality education. Poverty rates in Louisiana are higher than the national average, leading to issues such as inadequate resources, lack of access to educational opportunities, and lower academic achievement among economically disadvantaged students. Addressing these disparities requires targeted interventions, increased funding, and support for schools serving high-needs communities.

Moreover, Louisiana's public education system has undergone significant reforms in recent years, aiming to raise academic standards and improve student outcomes. Initiatives such as the Louisiana Believes program, which emphasizes accountability, teacher effectiveness, and school choice, have been implemented to drive improvements across the state. Additionally, efforts to expand access to early childhood education and career and technical training aim to equip students with the skills needed for success in the 21st-century economy.

Innovations and Success Stories

Amidst the challenges, Louisiana's public schools have also seen notable successes and innovations. From innovative teaching methods to community partnerships aimed at supporting student success, educators across the state are working tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of their students.

One such success story is the Louisiana Teacher Leader Summit, an annual event that brings together educators from across the state to collaborate, share best practices, and develop leadership skills. This initiative highlights the importance of empowering teachers as agents of change within their schools and communities.

Additionally, Louisiana's public schools have made strides in expanding access to advanced coursework and college readiness programs. Initiatives such as the Louisiana College and Career Readiness Standards aim to ensure that all students graduate high school prepared for postsecondary education and the workforce.

The Louisiana public school system is a complex tapestry of diversity, challenges, and opportunities. While the state faces significant hurdles in terms of academic achievement and equity, ongoing efforts to reform and innovate hold promise for the future. By prioritizing equity, investing in teacher support and professional development, and fostering collaboration between schools, communities, and policymakers, Louisiana can continue to improve outcomes for all students and ensure that every child has access to a quality education.

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